Dr Alyssa Van Dreumel

Alyssa Van Dreumel (she/her) is a teaching-intensive/education-focused Senior Lecturer within the School of Molecular Sciences’ (SMS) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCHMB) major at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Her teaching journey in tertiary education spans 10 years, over a dozen different units in the disciplines of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, across three institutions: Deakin University, UWA, and Westa College.

Since joining UWA in 2018, her main role is as International Program Coordinator, a role created specifically to oversee and teach into the International Joint School program, WESTA College (tripartite program between UWA, Southwest University (Chongqing China) the University of Tasmania), with a focus on the BCHMB 2+2 and 3+2 articulation programs for UWA. In this role she acts as a key point of contact, spokesperson, and advocate for students within the program. Alyssa teaches and coordinates units across all undergraduate levels both at UWA and within WESTA College, as well as a laboratory skills unit for post-graduate students to qualify for a research project at UWA. Alyssa is also the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major, and Biochemistry of Nutrition extended major coordinator at UWA. 
Her aim is to be an engaging educator with a learner-focused teaching style that emphasises the importance of active learner participation, and to provide learning experiences that equip her students with global competencies, digital skills, and professional laboratory practice needed in their future careers. She enjoys utlising technology in all aspects of her teaching including curating digital learning spaces via the learning management system, polling to facilitate in class participation and learner feedback, and use of electronic laboratory notebooks in undergraduate classroom laboratories. She is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) practitioner, and co-lead of the Internationalisation@Home and Transforming Laboratory Practise Communities of Practice at UWA. 
Alyssa serves as Co-Chair of her School’s Education Committee and aims to use her education-focused role to mentor and support casual and peer academics in educational practice, digital skill enrichment, innovation, and SoTL. She also serves as Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) State Representative for WA and as a committee member of the ASBMB Education Special Interest Group. Alyssa is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, UK). 
Her current research interests include: 
· student engagement utilising learning technologies
· active formative assessment strategies and their influence on student motivation, engagement, and academic performance
· internationalization and global competency skills 
· professional digital skills development and career needs in science 
Please feel free to contact Alyssa via: alyssa.vandreumel@uwa.edu.au


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