RNA Network Australasia

The RNA Network of Australasia was founded in 2007 by Professor Thomas Preiss, who recognised the need to provide a forum for scientists doing RNA-related research within Australia and New Zealand. The aim was to boost the profile of RNA research, support students and early career scientists with local meetings and activities and form a network of scientists with this common interest.

Each year we support an award for an RNA-based presentation at the annual conference of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as a number of state-based events.

Drop me an email any time – I welcome any thoughts or suggestions you might have for strategies to boost RNA research!

Archa Fox
Chair of the RNA Network of Australasia

Dr Archa Fox
Senior Lecturer
Schools of Human Sciences and Molecular Sciences                                                                                 
University of Western Australia
Email: archa.fox@uwa.edu.au
Web: Fox Lab

State Contacts

South Australia
Dr Cameron Bracken
Head, Gene Regulation Networks Laboratory
Centre for Cancer Biology
Frome Road, Adelaide
Web: Bracken Lab  

Dr Minni Änkö
Functional RNAomics Laboratory
Hudson Institute
Web: Anko Lab  

Australian Capital Territory
Dr Nikolay Shirokikh
Protein Biosynthesis and Homeostatic Control Group
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University
New South Wales
Associate Professor Gyorgy Hutvagner
Small RNA Biology Group
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Centre for Health Technologies
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Nham Tran
ncRNA Cancer Group
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Centre for Health Technologies
University of Technology Sydney
Dr Nigel McMillan
Epithelial Cancer Division
Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine
University of Queensland

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