SPG - Contacts

To contact the SPG, send an email to the secretary (Dr Derrick Lau, Email derrick.lau@unsw.edu.au

Dr Katharine Michie
UNSW Sydney

Dr Mark Larance
The University of Sydney

Dr Derrick Lau
UNSW Sydney

Communications Officer
Dr Taylor Szyszka
The University of Sydney

SPG Institutional Representatives

University of NSWTill Boecking (till.boecking@unsw.edu.au)
University of SydneyTaylor Szyszka (taylorszyszka@gmail.com)
Pep Font (josep.font@sydney.edu.au)
Western Sydney UniversityLiza Cubeddu (l.cubeddu@uws.edu.au)
Roland Gamsjaeger (r.gamsjaeger@uws.edu.au)
University of WollongongHeath Ecroyd (heathe@uow.edu.au)
Gokhan Tolun (gokhan@uow.edu.au)
Victor Chang Cardiac Research InstituteCarus Lau (c.lau@victorchang.edu.au)
Garvan Institute of Medical ResearchRomain Rouet (rouet.romain@gmail.com)
Macquarie UniversityBhumika Shah (bhumika.shah@mq.edu.au)
Centenary InstituteMehdi Tabar (m.tabar@centenary.org.au)
University of Technology SydneyAndrew Care (andrew.care@uts.edu.au)
Matthew O’Rourke (matthew.orourke@uts.edu.au)
Children's Medical Research InstituteScott Cohen (scohen@cmri.org.au)

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