ASBMB Student Travel Bursary
ASBMB will consider applications by its student members to cover the cost of their registration for attendance at an ASBMB conference. Up to 10 awards are available and and are intended to assist student travel to and participation at our society meetings. In 2024, this meeting will be BioMolecular Horizons 2024 (website), a congress combining the IUBMB, FAOBMB and ComBio scientific meetings.
1. The applicant must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate, honours or postgraduate degree programme in the year their application is made. There is no age limit.
2. The applicant must be a current ASBMB member and have been a member for at least 1 year prior to the year in which their application is made OR join the society on a 3 year student membership prior to submitting this application.
3. The applicant must register for the meeting by the EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION deadline (currently 31st May 2024).
4. The applicant must submit an abstract to the meeting and attach a copy of their abstract to this application.
5. Preference will be given to students with supervisors that are ASBMB members and registered to attend BMH2024.
6. Preference will be given to students needing to travel interstate to attend the meeting in Melbourne, VIC. The society will also accept applications from students based substantively in regional VIC (eg. Ballarat, Bendigo).
7. Successful applicants will receive their award as a refund of their registration from the conference organisers.
8. Deadline for submission: 1st July 2024
ASBMB Membership Office
T +61 (03) 9907 8648
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