The Shimadzu Research Medal

The Shimadzu Research Medal is awarded to an outstanding ASBMB member with no more than 15 years since the award of the PhD degree (or equivalent taking any career disruption into account) at the nominated deadline. The successful candidate will present the Shimadzu Medal Lecture at the annual ASBMB conference. Nominees must have been members of the Society for at least 2 years before the year in which the Medal nomination is to be considered. An honorarium is provided through the courtesy of Shimadzu.

To view a list of previous Shimadzu medallists please click here

Nomination Information

- All nominees should have been members of the ASBMB for a minimum of 2 years
- All nominations should include at least 2 proposers who should have been members of the ASBMB for a minimum of 2 years
- Proposers should prepare a nomination document to include all information detailed on the Shimadzu Research Medal Nomination Template.  This document should be saved as a single PDF file ready to be uploaded as part of the online nomination form. 
Nominations have now closed.   

When you are ready to begin your nomination, please click the button below.

The Shimadzu Research Medal Nomination
2024 Award Recipient

Thomas Ve
Griffith University

Associate Professor Thomas Ve is an ARC Future Fellow, a NHMRC Investigator and a Research Leader at the Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University.

Thomas completed his Masters degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Bergen, Norway, in 2006. In 2008, he relocated to Brisbane with his young family and started his PhD in structural biology under the supervision of Professor Bostjan Kobe at the University of Queensland. His PhD focused on plant disease resistance, and he used X-ray crystallography to determine 3D atomic structures of a plant immune receptor TIR domain and effector proteins from a fungal plant pathogen. After completing his PhD in 2011, Thomas continued working in the Kobe group as a postdoctoral research fellow and he collaborated with immunologists, cryoEM and single molecule experts to characterise TIR domain proteins involved in mammalian innate immunity.

Thomas joined Professor Mark von Itzstein’s group at the Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, as a Research Scientist in 2015. In 2017, he received an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) and in 2020, he was awarded both an ARC Future Fellowship and a NHMRC Emerging Leadership Investigator Grant. Thomas has established his own independent research group at Griffith University, where he conducts innovative structural and chemical biology focused research across the fields of innate immunity and neurobiology.

Throughout his successful career, Thomas has published over 50 manuscripts in journals such as Science, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Molecular Cell, Neuron, Cell Host and Microbe, Nature Communications, PNAS and PLOS Pathogens.

Thomas’ research has been instrumental in providing a better mechanistic understanding of early events in Toll-like receptor signalling, how the pro-neurodegenerative NADase SARM1 is regulated, activated, and inhibited by small molecules, and how bacterial antiphage defence systems are activated by NAD+ derived secondary messengers. His research has led to new models for signal transduction in response to disease threats and is providing rational avenues for the design of new therapeutics to combat a range of neurodegenerative diseases.

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